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Re: RC: Kicked out of a show
DId you show them your health certificate and coggins when you rode onto
the grounds? Were you willing to pay the grounds fees that the
exhibiters customarily pay? Had you signed their release of liability
for being on the grounds?
Sounds like they were rude, but it isn't not unexpected. In Virginia,
we had state inspectors drop in to do a surprise check to see that the
requirements for Coggins were strictly enforced. If not, BIG FINES! We
once ran a ride were an unknown group came with horses who didn't matych
the Coggins. When Mike turned them away, they showed their state ID and
thanked us.
Perhaps they were protecting their exhibitors and their liability.
> Denise Wagner wrote:
> I got kicked out of an "A" show today - a lovely dressage show at the
> local horseman's park. On my way to the park I had already gone to
> two pop machines and hadn't gotten a thing to drink and was DYING of
> thirst. So I rode to the concession stand, begged a nice lady to put
> my last dollar in the machine (which ate it and gave me nothing in
> return), and was told by a show steward I had to leave. I guess Levis
> and a t-shirt stand out amid tails, bowlers, and white gloves.
> Snobs. It was rather humiliating, I was in a crowd of horses and
> riders, and I felt like a vagrant! I'm pretty nice-looking, I think,
> and my horse is a lovely grey Arab, and we certainly get our share of
> whistles. I swear I saw smirks on some faces.
> Thanks! Had to vent. I'm real easy-going, but that ticked me right
> off. I can't imagine anyone being asked to leave an endurance ride.
> "Excuse me, is that a Hanoverian? Are you wearing white gloves? We
> must ask you to leave promptly." Grrrrr. O.k. now I can laugh about
> it!
> Denise in FL
> Grace (I've been kicked out of better places than this)
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