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Re: [Fwd: RC: Research at rides]

In a message dated 2/11/00 7:57:23 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< Is bone important for endurance? Do endurance horses suffer from fractures
 (or other bone related injuries)  to any great degree?>

Probably far fewer than in even Standardbreds. But some.
 >My understanding of bone measurements is that it also includes some of the
 support apparatus and being used as proxy for the potential strength and
 durability of those structures as much as it is bone strength.>

Don't understand that paragraph.
 >Which brings me to the question as to whether ultrasound measurements would
 a better (albeit more expensive) measurement. And how valid would it be - is
 bigger better?>

Ultrasound "whaites out" on bone. However, you can measure bone density with 
 Duncan Fletcher >>


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