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Jerry's Surgery

Hey Everyone,
Well, the ole man went through the surgery just fine. The doc said
that he has tissues of a young man....see he will be back in the
saddle before you know it. He has a plate and 7 screws to stitch his
collarbone back together.
Tomorrow ,we get to go to the OVETS (Ohio Valley Trails Symposium)
In Louisville, KY....he will be fine. Stitches will come out on the 22nd of
February. Jerry was pretty lucky, yes, he did have his helmet on, he hit
his head first. He has been doing endurance 25 years, this is his first
broken bone. I forgot to thank Connie Caudill, thank you for ponying 
Irene back. If I miss anyone else, I apologize. It is a great sport when
we all come together to help each other. Thank you all for your kind
we will see you soon....out on the trail...Diane and Jerry Fruth

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