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>Yeah, I'll second that. I wear my helmet all the time too but there'll
>always be them 'as will and them 'as won't, so yes, lets get onto more
>interesting things.......
Mike and Heather, I've got to say I don't agree with you. As has been said
many times, you can delete and not read things that don't interest you. If
just one person who reads this thread is sold and serious injury is
avoided, all of the discussion was worth while.
One time last summer I forgot to wear my helmet and didn't notice until
about a mile into a training ride. The friend I was riding with offered to
go back with me to get it. I declined saying that my horse was pretty bomb
proof. Well, I was lucky, I got away with it. The very next ride, my
horse fell and I was knocked out wearing a helmet. My very first thought
when I came to was "thank God for helmets!"
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