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Re: RC: Re: Selenium problem
>Maggie: But is it really safe? How do you know the Standardbred breeder
is correct? >
How do you know he isn't?
< Just because he's been doing it for years doesn't mean he had
the horses tested and really *knows* anything, right? How do you know for
sure that he's been feeding the horses the same hay all that time - and
that it is identical to the hay you feed your horses?>
Well, the guy went to MSU, has a degree, his dad is a vet and I don't think
he'd still be in business if he didn't know his stuff! Sure makes a
helluva lot more money than I do with horses!! Next time I am there I will
question him about the testing and report back! How do any of us KNOW
anything "for a fact"? I think we do our best to find the most reliable
information out there (hopefully tried and true research and experience and
even then how do we KNOW it is for sure, for sure?) and put it to sensible
use...I'm not really sure why the big inquisition here. I was simply
sharing information and experiences with someone who asked for some.
Maggie Mieske
Mieske's Silver Lining
10601 S. Richards Rd.
McBain, Michigan 49657
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