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Re: RC: Rider weight/horse size

At 04:19 PM 2/10/00 -0500, Nancy wrote:
>..... With the MD heat & humidity you can get 
>the horse's pulses going pretty good --- didn't have the heart monitors on 
>usually, but I noticed Kadance+/, carrying the heavier rider,  would be 
>panting harder than Tempo.
>Nancy & Tempo (now when are you going to get off going UPhill?!?!?!)

Dear Nancy,

Thanks for the input. I really have no doubt that the rider weight would
influence the equation-again, so many variables, so many factors! That's
what, to me, makes this sport such fun! The successful combinations of
horse, rider, conditioning and nutrition seem to be infinite! ;-)

Sarah(obviously having a slow day at work-stuck here until 6PM, waiting to
go to a meeting, which means no riding tonight...sigh)
and Fling (Mom's still trying to find the right combination for me...and I
ain't going to tell her what it is)

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