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heartrate during competition
This may interest you...I have won 100 mile races in record time and never
observed the heartrate go over 145. The race I'm referring to was an IAHA
National Championship over moderate terrain in rainy, muddy conditions. I
really paid attention to the heartrate the whole race. Lots of times I
don't, because I just get caught up in the race and don't think about it.
The winning time in that race was 8:43. And, never, during my 11 years of
competition have I observed the heartrate go over 200--even during the most
extreme climbs and even during a 100 won in less than 8 hours.
I don't want to blow anyone's theories. These are simply my experiences, and
they are primarily with CBS Redman and Saizahra as my racing partners.
Believe it or not, I rarely train with a heart monitor. I just go by "feel."
I know it's very unscientific, but my "feel" has never failed me. Debi
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