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Re: RC: Re: Fw: RC: endurance prospect, etc.
In a message dated 2/9/00 6:34:57 PM Pacific Standard Time, Tivers@aol.com
<< I'm not concerned if all you want to do is finish--no problem. It's the
criticism of those who desire to win a competition that makes folks look a
little ridiculous to me.
Years ago I wrote a letter about how I wanted to learn from the winners and
not necessarily read articles about people I never heard of. I also
mentioned that any mediocre horse could finish a 50 miler. I got blasted so
bad you would not believe it. Some lawyer in Chicago who rode "muskrat
patrol" [that is what he called it] in the park wrote the meanest stuff and
he had never even been to a race. And let's face it, it is a race folks.
I also took a whole bunch of flak about the word mediocre. I even looked it
up in the dictionary and it was exactly what I meant. I venture to say that
I could get any of my horses out of the pasture after being off all winter
and they would finish an easy 50 just fine although back far from the
winners. I got a lot of letters from the winners with big thank yous because
they were tired of being picked on as horse ruiners. Anyway, this thread is
bringing it all back to me. Everyone is entitled to their own
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