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Re: RC: Re: Fw: RC: endurance prospect, etc.
Rebecca . . . pardon me if I'm wrong but, aren't you the lady who says that
even if a person can only ride one mile, nay, even only a half mile . . .
that should qualify as an "endurance" ride? In fact, I believe you once
suggested that even should a person only be able to climb up on a horse, if
that's all they can do, then that is endurance? If you be that gal, I'm not
really sure you ought to be challenging Tom Ivers. For one thing, it's
hypocritical to take the stand that ANY distance is endurance, and then
criticize Tom for not riding a 50. And for another, you are in WAYYYY over
your head here. But hey, it's your hide to loose . . .
<< I just asked a simple question and you have made an argument out of it.
Now all of us endurance riders know that you haven't even done a 50 mile
ride, and yet you give all this info based on flat race track racing.
Well, that's all from me on the subject. I only listen to the ones
that have walked the walk, and done the mileage.
Rebecca--Underwood Enterprizes--1-541-826-9668--Oregon
Home of the Treeless Saddles and other quality horse/mule/donkey and pet
products >>
Trish & pretty David
Grand Blanc, Michigan
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