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Re: RC: Re: Darwin's Theory
CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 2/8/00 10:56:31 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> danugna@transport.com writes:
> << It turns out that evolution can and does take
> place in a very short period of time,
> as in under a decade and in some cases just a few years. >>
> You're right that under some circumstances, evolution can take a sudden lurch every now and again.
> << As for the changes in the horse, I'd have to agree with you, that's not evolution, that's domestication, the selective breeding for certain traits by humans. Oh, and the larger horses might have a similar cause as the larger humans, better nutrition. >>
> Domestication is a bit different than evolution, in that humans tend to have a specific agenda in mind, whereas nature has NO agenda, and survival of a species over time depends upon the survival of those who tend to have "different" traits that aid them in adapting to different or changing niches.
> If a small genetic change happens to make a fairly profound difference in the ability of the individuals with the change to adapt to a niche (as with the Galapagos finches) then indeed, evolution can be VERY rapid!
> Heidi
The evolution this thread seems to be talking about is not "evolution"
in it's broadest sence. What you are describing is natural selection and
variation within a species. Evolution theory as created by Darwin
describes variation within a species transforming or transitioning into
a "higher ordered species" as his explanation of the creation.
We can't observe any transitional forms between species, nor have we we
ever found a missing link between any species. There is no reproduction
possible between species. It can't happen.
Evolution by Darwin's theory is like having tornado go through a New
York City garbage heap and end up with a Boeing 747 after it's blown
thru...just adding millions of years and blind chance to get the
conclusion. In Darwin's world a frog becomes a prince in a few million
I choose to believe The Sovereign God created EVERYTHING from absolutely
nothing in 6 days as He said He did. He allows us to enjoy and care for
one of His most awesome creations in our sport of endurance. Our horses
glorify their creator by their beauty, strength, courage, and their
willingness to partner with us. We should glorify God by praising Him
for all He has done and is doing! The creation declares His glory....it
screams it.
-Thanking God for His creation everday I'm allowed to walk this earth,
Susan, Sabian, Fly Bye, and Blue Moon Dandee, all made for a special
purpose by the Living God who created all things.
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