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Re: RC: Re: helmets

In a message dated 2/7/00 8:08:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< Hi Angie
 Next time just write it to me personally, please. It was obviously taken
 out of context and posted publicly as an excerpt which made it look more
 critical and harsh. I am really glad it came from a loving place as I
 have always enjoyed reading your posts and I believe we enjoy the same
 "warped?" sense of humor. Heidi has privately sent me another quoted
 excerpt (I won't post--it was private) that was hardly flattering and
 said there were many folks out there posting her who were critical of me
 and did not like reading my posts. >>

Private communications are meant to be private.  Since they clearly are not, 
all I will say here is that I merely suggested to Ms. Lamore that she was 
being overly defensive, as did many who posted privately to me.  Any further 
interpretation as to whether that is unflattering or critical are strictly up 
to Ms. Lamore.  I see others are now saying the same thing on the board, so 
this is my last word on the subject.


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