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endurance prospect
I agree....If you don't want to stay in the front... there is no disgrace
with having a good consistant miliage record...some people always are going
to push the envelope, there are always pioneers in any endever...and all I
can say is God Bless em' ..Give em' wisdom and perserverence cause any time
you step out of the "norm"
your gonna get blasted :(
I remember when Debbi and Redman were tearing up the trail...I remember all
the talk too, and you know what...Redman always looked great! and Debbi
always looked happy...and she was always nice...always willing to talk to
others about training etc... When I first started riding endurance I over
rode my mare... once...never did it again...it didn't hurt her, but I had to
pull her
So when it's done wrong...it shows...When it's done right it shows too...
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