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It's a shame to let a good controversy die down, and now that the Reno
question is about to expire, here's a little something to stir it up. Having
been an apparently permananent fixture as AERC secretary for several years,
I thought it might be interesting to delve into the minutes and see what
pronouncements the notorious Board actually had delivered. At the midyear
board meeting, August 23, 1996, "T. Huff moved to "Move the convention out of
Reno every 4th year to a site east of the Rockies, instead of every 5th year
east of the Mississippi' Seconded. After discussion the motion was
Then the minutes of the 1998 midyear board meeting stated. " The present
policy of moving convention to the eastern part of the U.S. every 5 years
was discussed. The Lexington convention resulted in approximately $20,000
less income than the Reno convention." (Hey folks, it's nice not to be
mercenary, but better believe that at that point those $20,000 were crucial.)
No action was taken, so apparently the policy stands.
So-o-o-o the convention has been scheduled, according to policy, in Reno
from 1998 through 2002. Beyond that I guess it's up for grabs.
Having represented the Midwest Region since 1974 I fought long and hard
to move the convention somewhere east. Unfortunately Atlanta, which promised
to be
great, doesn't count because of the blizzard of the century. (The pansies
were blooming when we arrived!) The convention at Lexington occupied cramped
quarters, you could hardly move in the trade show, and flights were a
problem. Of course Reno isn't the greatest airport in the U.S. either.
Landing there in high winds is an experience to be treasured. The passengers
usually clap for the captain when we're down.
And the strange thing was that after listening to complaints from my
constituents for years that Reno was too far away, hardly anyone came to
Lexington--just about the same number who show up in Reno. Personally I
don't care much for Reno, but have just about decided it doesn't make a heck
of a lot of difference where you are anyway--I never get to see the light of
day from Thursday noon until Sunday after lunch. Louise
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