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Tie Systems
My wife and I love out tie-outs! I observed the two brands talked about
previously and saw problems with our horses using them. Mainly, "No Respect".
So. . . like any good horse person, I improvised! I came up with a new idea of
placing a very substantial spring at the junction of the tie-out and the
trailer, thereby allowing the horse to dissipate his energy harmlessly. Mine
also can be turned and left attached to the trailer for travel or completely
removed for travel or for use at other locations with optional mounting bases. I
have a patent pending and they are just recently in production by Equestrian
Safety Products in Denver. 1-800-279-5459. They will be demonstrated at the AERC
convention in Reno in March and a web site is in the works.
They are to my mind far more substantial than other similar products I have
seen and we take 5 horses to multi-day rides and Vicki & I rode thirty some
rides last year using the "Spring-Tie" with great success and comfort for the
horses. They can stand and look out from the trailer, lie down, roll, etc. As
for mounting, I have steel bases on our Four-Star in four locations and two on
our two horse trailer. We also use them at the barn at home rather than corrals
- they work great. We powder coat (electropaint) the bases and there has been no
Equestrian Safety Products is working with trailer manufactures to offer
"Spring-Tie" as an option at the time of ordering a trailer, and they mount
with two
1/2" bolts which, as Maryben said, can be "hidden" inside.
Anyway, take a look at what I think is a "better mousetrap"
Steve Rutter
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