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Re: Best english saddle bag???

Kimberly Price
I've used the sportsaddle english pack for a few years and I do not like the say they bounce against the horse if tied to the back.  Even using the straps on the bottom they tend to bounce against the horse.  Tied to the front of the saddle they are not too bad but can tend to get in the way of the reins, mane etc.  The pouch in the front is very handy to have up front though.

I just got sportack english packs that fit tight and snug on the back of the saddle, no chance of bouncing there.  Friends of mine use them and thats why I wanted one...because they have no problem with the bounce, they are very roomy, and guess what...they come in purple! <g>  

For long rides I will use both, the sportsaddle pouches on the front with non-heavy stuff, the sportstack bags on the back which will include the water.

Have fun!
Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab.."just fill one up with cookies....pleeeeease???")

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