Re: RC: Re: Merry Christmas:
At 5:01 PM -0500 12/25/00, Howard4567@aol.com wrote:
>I'm hoping Steph will bend the rules on Christmas Day. I just thought I'd
>share this one with y'all.
>My daughter, Jennifer, was opening her presents this morning, early like 6
>AM, and she got to one gift from my Aunt who lives up north. I do remember
>telling my Yankee relative that, sometimes, we do get chilly weather down
>here in Central Florida. Like, maybe, it will hit 31 at night, but I forgot
>to mention this happens about 4 times a year.
>Jen opened the gift from my Aunt and then said to me, "Dad, what is this?
>I've never seen one of these before." I took a look at it and just started
>laughing, understanding my daughter's dilemma. It was a bright red scarf!
>Jennifer had no idea what the heck it was and what it was used for. I
>thought some of you, who might be freezing your ears and noses off this
>Christmas, as you step outside to feed your horses and try and figure out how
>to defrost their water buckets, might get a kick out of this one.
Good one, Howard! She can use it when you go up Nawth for rides.
We can get temps like you in the winter, typically of course the
weekends of scheduled endurance rides, insuring a delayed exit from
the sleeping bag at o-dark-thirty for those of us with
unheated/uninsulated abodes.
Speaking of windter <sic> we got cheated out of today's planned
merry-ho-ho ride by Santa Ana winds of nearly 30 mph with gusts to
80. Rats. At least the sun is shining. Through the dust the winds
have stirred up. ;-)
Ontario, California http://www.lynnesite.com
ReactorPanel saddles http://www.reactorpanel.com
Norco Riverdance Ride (PS) 9/1/01
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