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cure for cold mouth and butt
Sherry and Hudson bsdavis@kansas.net
Merry Christmas to All at ridecamp.
I have two responses: If you want an easy cure for warming your bit and
crupper without possibly getting anything really hot-here in Kansas one of
my very thrifty friends came up with this ( I think she got it from girl
scouts or something): take a pair of trashed panty hose, cut the feet off
(this should be the part that isn't trashed) and fill with about two cups of
dried beans or long grain rice, tie it off on itself, then slip it into
another real sock. Throw it in the microwave for about two minutes to begin
with, take it out and drop in your pocket. You'll have an immediate pocket
warmer that's re-usable, SAFE, and cheap. Wrap the bit in it just a minute
or so before you put in horses mouth. Crupper will take a little bit longer
to warm. Cheap to make and they last a pretty long while-great warmers for
a hour or two sleigh ride for your feet. You can heat up longer-but watch
out! they can get really hot, they need to be moved around a little to heat
evenly, and I imagine they could "burn" if left in micro for too long. If the bit is too hot to put up against your own lips maybe ought to let it cool down....
Secondly, I have a brother- and sister-in-law in San Diego area, and while
my husband and I were JUST talking about that yesterday when it was -13
here...The temperature is nice there-yes-but the scads of people all piled
one on top the other was enough to send me back home with a smile on my
face. See, I happen to live in the most beautiful, un-discovered,
un-exploited, HILLY! part of Kansas. Yes, it can get really cold and really
hot here but when I walk out everymorning...well, never mind I'm getting
gooshy. But let's just say this: I have a great place to train, usually
see no one on the 35 miles or so of trails we have to train on- hills, long
dirt roads, bald and golden eagles, coyotes, GREEN grass, and water.
Merry Christmas, may you all love where you are at in life at this time,
sherry and hudson (who's now turned into a winter fat-boy again until I can
find a saddle that fits him)
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