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Re: ridecamp-d Digest V00 #1849


I have not found that the coolers (polarfleece or
wool) help them dry out much faster. They do prevent
them from chilling as they dry out. You may want to
consider a partial clip such as a low trace or a strip
clip as that does not remove much protection. How
woolly are they? 

I think that if the hair is not too thick and long -
ie the horse does not look like a ewok - they dry
themselves out ok even if put up damp. The ones that
are bad are the really woolly ones as they can't dry
out all that long thick hair . I have used towels to
dry horses that are too damp even when trace clipped.
Rub vigorously. I also tend to think that turning a
damp horse out where they can move around is better
than a stall where they stand and get cold. 

You can check if a horse is cold by feeling their

I am in CA where it rarely gets below freezing so I
may be able to get away with stuff that those of you
in colder areas would not be able to. 


> Subject: RC:  horse cooler sheets
> Hi -
> I have finally started interval training my wooly
> horses, and they are
> working up a good body sweat.  I walk the end of the
> ride, but I'm concerned
> that they are still damp when I turn them out.  I am
> usually done by 3:00,
> it's not too dark and cold until 5.  I checked the
> sweatiest guy tonight and
> he's still a bit damp.  Do the polar fleece cooler
> sheets work well to dry
> them out faster?  I don't want to clip if possible
> as winter still has not
> hit us yet

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