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RE: Giant/midget
I think that we also lose perspective in our sport that in most other
equestrian events the horses are a lot taller - huh Tracey? A tall
Arab at 16HH is just an average to smaller sized dressage or eventing
It is a personal thing and I have to admit that I am really beginning
to like the taller horses, despite the vertical challenge. More for
the shock effect than anything else.
Becky, I guess you are just partial to short horses, maybe!
-----Original Message-----
From: Becky Huffman [mailto:tos@htcomp.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 9:03 AM
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Cc: Karen J. Zelinsky; Kathy Mayeda; marlene.moss@wcom.com; Sue Brown
Subject: Re: Giant/midget
----- Original Message -----
From: Karen J. Zelinsky <kjz2@juno.com>> somehow one adjusts. But only if
it's >> REALLY worth it! (hee-hee!).
Bingo! If it is worth it - go for it - whatever it takes!!!!.. <G>
Horse/Rider is a total package and I *don't* recommend basing a decision on
a single factor (such as size) -
my Point was.... One Option for people who don't like the Climb would be to
shop for a 'package' including a height that would hang the stirrup below
your waist. ....there are many good(great!) packages out there that are
being overlooked because they don't exceed the magical 60 inches at the
wither, and many people who *look* (IMO) like someone else picked their
horse for them.
Becky Huffman, Cleburne, Texas
Huffman's Arabians ~ The Original Series ~
"Real joy comes not from ease or riches or from the praise of men, but from
doing something worthwhile." --Sir Wilfred Grenfell (1865--1940)
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