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Re: RC: Virus Checking for your e-mail
Hello all,
Sunday, December 17, 2000, 11:05:48 PM, Mike Maul wrote:
MM> 1. If you are using the internet - you need an antivirus program on your PC.
I use NORTON- I have tried others, but this one appears to work the
MM> 2. Used properly - means frequent updates of the data files. In most of these
MM> programs -
NORTON has a DAILY feature that runs in the MS SCHEDULER. It checks
for virus file updates each hour - or what ever you set it for.
MM> 3. Used properly also means you need to check e-mail as it is
MM> downloaded -
NORTON lets your set up the checker to sit in front of the e-mail.
Like a firewall. If you use other then MS Outlook or Netscape you have
to configure the e-mail account log on -user id etc per the
instructions from NORTON.
MM> If you look at the options with your antivirus program - there should be an
MM> option to check e-mail as it comes in - McAfee VirusShield does this. It may
MM> say check incoming files or check e-mail.
MM> If you use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express for your mail - you are more at
MM> risk because many take advantage of capabilities in these tools. They use your
MM> address book to send infected copies to everyone listed.
NOTE - OUTLOOK is full of bugs and holes - security. I would never use
that. I have dropped NETSCAPE msgr also. I am now using a great low
cost e-mail mgr called THE BAT. VERY nice.
MM> My understanding is that if you use Netscape, Eudora, or a number of other
MM> mail tools - you will not be propagating the MS based ones but your system
MM> can still be damaged.
YES - however seems the hackers have cracked NETSCAPE msgr. But the
use of the 'firewall' checker will stop most. I also am running a
separate web browser from my e-mail. I use IE5.5 browser and OPERA is
getting setup.
Just remember NEVER open an attached file unless you KNOW for sure it
has been scanned. I always re-scan every file I get BEFORE I open it.
MM> I believe that getting the group e-mail in digest form is safer - some of the
MM> digests will not include attachments but I don't guarantee it.
I have gotten -caught and killed- many viruses in the digest. They are not filtered at the
server. It is NOT their job. (Steph). Would take far too many
resources to find and kill all the viruses.
MM> Bottom line is that you really do need antivirus software today and to update
MM> the virus descriptions frequently. About 100 new ones appear each month.
MM> Mike
I run a firewall called BLACK ICE - Really great. It works so well
when I set up the LAN here at home (out to the office) it kept the
two computers from talking to each other. I had to set in allowed IP
I am also running ISDN LAN-MODEM, to get high speed and always on
connect. I cant get DSL here.
I know this has nothing to do with endurance, but if we keep
getting hacked the list will be a mess.
Just a little digression from the ride stuff, snow and cold here
and OMNI is in down mode.
Still have not found anything about the E-shock wave therapy.
Roger mailto:roger@vmaxept.com
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