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Re: RC: exercises?

In a message dated 12/17/2000 4:33:17 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<<  She is
 pretty tough, but just has a very difficult time mounting.  I've finally
 gotten her into some stretchy riding pants, so that helps a little.  But she
 just can't seem to bounce up and get on the horse.  She just pulls herself
 up with her arms (with both hands on the front and back of saddle and I
 can't get her over that either) and usually pulls the saddle over on her.
 She understands that she should hold one hand on mane, other on front of
 saddle, just can't do it.
 So she hates that she pulls the saddle around, she hates that it's
 uncomfortable for the horse and I think she's really embarrassed and worried
 about having to mount in public. >>

I stand 5'6" and am riding horses from 14.2 (just right) to 15.2 (too tall).  
I'm a senior citizen, have a certain amount of arthritis, and find it 
difficult to mount without help, so....... I use a mounting block at home, 
and use mechanical advantage on the trail, i.e. stand uphill from the horse, 
stand on a boulder, stand on a berm..........any of these work perfectly.  
I've been doing this for long enough so it has become a habit.  And be sure 
to teach the horse that is is imperative that he stand until the rider is in 
the saddle and ready to go by her choice, not the horse's.


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