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In a message dated 12/14/2000 4:39:57 PM Pacific Standard Time,
Howard4567@aol.com writes:
<< I just hope someday we get that team thing worked out cause it sure is
sad how poorly we did in France. I still say it's because American
riders are much more independent, even more than the average American (who
are the most independent creatures on the planet) and it's why we can't do
the team thing as well as we should. >>
I think the performance we turned in in France WAS our poorest. We've done
quite well before. I certainly agree with you about Americans being
independent! That's how and why we got here. We're all descendents of
people who didn't like the way things were being run on the other side of the
world. The old world is historically more dominated by rules and attitudes,
results of hundreds of years of battles among countries and people with
different languages, societies, governments, and from attitudes developed
from being overrun by one's neighboring countries, conquered, occupied, and
re-conquered time and again. If the same had happened to us in this country,
we'd probably think differently, too. In 1985, the impression I formed was
that no one country in Europe trusted any other country, for the above stated
reason. For that reason, FEI-run rides required passports on horses and
secure stabling with guards, because it was possible for sabotage to occur.
In a continental championship in Austria in which we rode, my husband's
German mare kicked an Italian's horse at a vet check. The latter horse was
heavily blanketed, so no damage was done, but the Italian said something in
his own language that left no question that my husband was being cursed up
and down for the misbehavior of a mare he had just met the day before.
Prejudice is not confined to any one people. And in Europe, certain
nationalities are traditionally hated by certain others. Well, I digress,
but If we wish to continue to compete with other countries, we must do so
under FEI rules. Here at home, in our local rides, we don't have to.
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