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Re: RC: Re: blind as a bat
Sue Brown wrote:
> >What do
> >you do when it rains while your riding? The last ride
> >I went on, and it was just drizzling, I had to take
> >off my glasses because I couldn't see a thing with
> >them on,
> I am also blind as a bat so I have to wear my glasses at all time. I use
> one of the wide, opaque sunglasses-like visors on my helmet. They're
> really for sunny days, but they work well to keep the rain off of my
> glasses for a fair amount of time. I also carry a couple of extra bandanas
> in the pommel packs and use them for wiping the glasses. On very rainy
> days, I just grin and bear it until I can stop. Even if I can't see well,
> I can see the trail and the glasses still keep the rain out of my eyes.
> I believe I bought the sunglasses visor from Teddy. Teddy?
> Sue (in rainy, western Washington)
I may be in your shoes shortly. I have been wearing glasses for two years and
although at present I can ride fine without them, I cannot read maps, signs
(or license plates when cars zoom by too fast).
Nothing like having the problem yourself to solve it for everybody else... Hunt
around, if you find something, let me know..
Teddy Lancaster
If they are shooting at you, you must be doing
something right--
Does this mean I cannot tell the Emperor he has
no clothes unless I have a Kingdom?
Running Bear Farm, Inc.
1348 Township Road 256
Kitts Hill, Ohio, 45645 USA - http://runningbear.com/
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