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Re: Biofocals and (trail)riding
> Ok, I'm a bit off topic tonight. I just got the dismal news that I need to
> move up to bifocals and I'm concerned about being able to ride
comfortably in
> them. Anybody got any words of wisdom? Was it hard to adjust to riding in
> them? Any preference of progressive vs fixed line lenses? My Dr. has me
> leaning towards the progressive ones, but I'd like to hear from those of you
> who are riding in them.
> I've already asked about corrective vision surgery and it is not an option
> for me right now. Bummer.
I got bifocals this year and opted for the progressive ones since I didn't
a line on the glasses. It took me just about a day to acclimate to them since
you have to move your head around a little bit more to get the object that you
are looking at in the right spot on the lenses for maximum clarity. I thought
it would bug me or make me queasy, but the adjustment was rather
anti-climactic. I do a fair amount of close up work besides looking off in
distance and had gotten tired of looking over the tops of my glasses to get
close-up items in focus. This has solved that problem completely, altho I
still take them off to do work on miniature items (dollhouse type ;-)) -- the
focal point for that vision is quite low on the lenses and it's hard to
keep my
eyes lowered that much for a *long* period of time. After a couple of
months I
had to have the protective finish on them redone (scraped them on some tree
branches "getting out of Dodge" quickly during a lightning storm) and, for the
whole day I was without them, I found my old, standard correction lenses very
annoying. I've had absolutely no problem with them while riding.
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