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blind as a bat
O.K this may sound silly, but here it goes, I wear
glasses, and with out them, I'm as blind as a bat. I
can't even see my feet if I don't have them on. I
have tried contacts years ago, and I always seem to
get something in them to make them feel like I had a
rock in my eye, so I've stuck to my glasses. What do
you do when it rains while your riding? The last ride
I went on, and it was just drizzling, I had to take
off my glasses because I couldn't see a thing with
them on, and hook up with a very nice person who I
followed the rest of the day. I explained my
situation, and if it weren't for his help, I would be
lost some where in the woods. There was now way I
could read any of the signs that where marking the
trail, unless I got off. My husband kids me a lot,
and says it's just a sign of age. (very funny, ha ha)
I know I'm not getting any younger, anyway merry xmas
and happy new year to everyone, thanks for reading.
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