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trailer survey
Donna Dochterman dokadaarabians@earthlink.net
I pull an 18 foot bumper hitch 4 horse aluminum slant load trailer with a
fiberglass top from Turnbow. I like it a lot. I had some unusual requests
and they were able to do everything I asked at reasonable prices where most
of the others I looked at had varying configurations of trailers but would
not or could not deal with the changes I wanted.
I have the front of the trailer set up as a tack room most of the time. I
have a removable solid wall (called a stud wall, it goes from floor to
ceiling) to divide it off. That wall can go in any position that the
regular slant dividers go in. When I go camping, I often have only one or
two horses. I move the wall back to leave only the stalls I need and have
double the space as a tack room/feed room. I might have been concerned
about load balance on those trips but most of the camps I go to you have to
be completely self-contained so the water barrels in the front of the tack
room insure weight balance. Turnbow tells me it wouldn't be a problem
anyway but I never haul one way in the back with the front empty anyway. I
put the solid wall in the middle when I am hauling 4 horses since the front
is completely enclosed for the tack room so I prefer the extra ventilation
with a horse up there. I think if I really needed a stud wall to divide off
one horse, I would put the stud wall in the back position. Then it would
still isolate the troublemaker but allow everyone including the one in front
plenty of ventilation The front has a camper door but they added a horse
latch so it would stay secure if a horse hauled in front leaned back on it.
They also added a butt chain across that door and made all the tack/saddle
racks removable, put the rubber mats on the floor and walls, and added tie
loops to the tack room and bars over the windows so it is truly a safe stall
to haul a horse when not in use as a tack room. The trailer also has a
removable rear tack room. It has stock sides with easy in and out frames to
hold the Plexiglas windows. I can easily add or remove windows according to
the weather and ventilation requirements even at a rest stop on a trip.
The trailer is especially handy since it is as comfortable and convenient as
any horse trailer when I am hauling horses but I only have one trailer and
this one also does an excellent job hauling cattle, goats, household goods
on a move..... I just pull out all the dividers and have a big open 18 foot
stock trailer with open sides to haul stock or completely enclosed to
protect inanimate loads. Also, it is not that unusual for me to haul 4
horses. Without the modifications, I would either have no tack room anytime
or be stuck with a tack room of a fixed size and be able to haul no more
than 3 horses.
Donna Dochterman
Dokada Arabians
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