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herd size/exercise
Re: the optimal herd size - I really don't think there is an
answer to this one. How much time a horse spends moving around
vs loafing in the shade is probably more of a function of the
quality of the pasture than how many horses are on it: if the
grass is plentiful and rich and not over-grazed, the horses
will not have to range as far to get adequate intake. If the
pasture is not as rich and plentiful, the horses will get more
excercise as they range in seach of forgage. However I don't
think manipulating the number of horses in a herd is an
efficient or practical way to provide optimal exercise for
horses - if conditioning is what you are after, they need to be
WORKED - either ridden, ponied or otherwise made to move and
get their heart rates up: there is not short-cut (though I
suppose in a pinch you could train some border collies to push
the herd around every hour or so ;-) )
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