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Re: [PNER] Dr. Ann Bowling -- sad news
Sue, thanks for passing on the sad news about Ann, and the information about how to donate to the memorial scholarship. Those of us who are close to the Bowlings have been pretty much in shock since her death. To make matters worse, Michael also lost his father yesterday. Although Michael sometimes gets more recognition in CMK breeder circles, it was actually Ann that bred Benjih, the 2000 Tevis winner. She was also a world-renowned equine geneticist and had a role in developing genetic tests for such things as SCID in Arabians, HYPP in QH's, color genes such as overo and black, DNA parentage testing, etc. Ann was also a delightful person with a dry humor and quick wit. She was one of those multi-talented people that was not only was an outstanding professional in her field, but also an accomplished horsewoman, a wonderful wife, and a great mom. Not only will she be missed by her friends, but the entire horse world has lost a tremendous asset and advocate.
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