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Re: RC: horse living in the house
you guys are missing a point here. where do you think the arab got it's
great disposition? from its ancestors being raised "in the tent" with the
bedouins of course.
now, 'story here. i was expecing an important long distance phone call
years ago. on that day i also had to bathe and body clip the POA pony for
coming show, brought him down to the house from where we boarded (up the
street) and of course the phone rang. no time to tie him so he went into
the kitchen with me, i said: "hello! if you'll wait until i take the pony
outside i'll be right back to you". there was no answer and they never
called back, sigh. just not a good sport at all.
another time we had to keep a gelding cross tied for 10 days due to surgery
on his leg, same location, not possible to do this where we boarded so we
rigged up a cross tie in the back yard with a tarp cover for shade, cleared
it with the neighbor on that side. only way to get him to the back yard
was, yep, you guessed it, in the front door, through the living room and
out the slider door to screened in porch and out to back yard. he was an
arab, ancestors raised in the tent, no problem.
'course, we've also had many newborn baby goats and lambs running around
the house as they got started on bottles. nothing like nurse maid border
collies following them around to clean up after them!!!!!
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