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For those that ARE coming to Reno!

In case anybody doesn't know this, the Circus Circus, El Dorado and Silver 
Legacy are all connected to each other.  If you fly in, just pick up a 
courtesy phone at the airport and their shuttle (if not there already) will 
take you right to your hotel.

If you shop around (probably too late, but you never know...) you can 
usually get a roundtrip airfare into Reno for roughly $200.00.  Several 
people I know personally did not go to Kentucky because the cost was about 
triple the cost of flying into Reno for them. (yes, and are flying into 
Reno from places like NY and FL for $200-$250 RT this year)  I don't have a 
problem personally with having the convention moved around, but before we 
start criticizing the decision to have it in Reno maybe one should compare 
the cost of travel.   Just because one city is farther away doesn't mean 
it's going to cost you more to travel to it!  (and if you don't like how it 
is now write to your DIRECTOR and tell them so!)

There are lots of things for a family to do.  Nevada has put forth great 
effort to diversify and not simply be known as a gambling mecca.  The 
circus acts at Circus Circus were fun to watch.  There is skiing, golf (I 
won't even mention horseback riding <G>), the National Bowling Stadium, the 
Automobile museum, the Railroad museum, the ice skating rink, plenty of 
entertainment, Boomtown (a place that kids LOVE), and dozens of other 
activities.  The reason why there is so much convention space in Reno (and 
Las Vegas) is because there are so many conventions held here every 
year.   A large number of groups, organizations and clubs hold their annual 
conventions in the same place every year, lucky for Nevada.


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