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comments on Shine and Shine only ride

> My thought is that I would hate to see new endurance riders
discouraged from continuing the
> sport because they "inappropriately" expressed their opinions.

Here's my thought: how would you like it if someone blasted you in front
of 1000 or so of your peers? Imagine yourself in a big meeting room with
that many people. That's what ridecamp is. That person had a PERSONAL
beef with the ride management. When you have a personal beef with
someone, you take it to that person. Telling ridecamp was cowardly.

> However, for those who were offended, please remember that being
offended is a
> choice & while we are busy concentrating on the offense, we are
usually missing out on a ton of
> good things that we could focus on.

Sticking up for what you know is right is a choice too. Keeping these
things off ridecamp in the future is worth a few postings now.

BTW, Tammy, what were you thinking when you forwarded that letter? DIMR?

Deanna (Ohio)

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