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Re: Re: Re: head carriage and split reins

> A long term solution involves a lot of the horse to
> give to the bit and to drop its head on cue. The reason the horse flings
> head up and hits us on the lip is because they're trying to escape the
> discomfort of us pulling on the bit. Horses don't like the continuous
> pressure of being held even if there isn't pain involved, and usually pain
> is a factor as well. So it boils down to the question: do we want to take
> the time to train our horses to respond to the cues or do we want to use
> head restraints and muscle 'em? Both ways work. Seems to me it's just a
> matter of choice.
> No criticism meant, just my thoughts on the subject.
> Sharon
> So. California

I really agree with you, Sharon. I am amazed at the number of endurance
riders I know who NEVER have had a lesson or even want to learn. I feel most
sorry for their horses, many of whom go mile after mile in obvious
discomfort. Some, I figure, must really be tough and strong horses to go as
far and fast as they do and still perform well. I only wince to think how
much better they would do if given an even chance. (and how much longer they
would last).
Pat Super in So. Oregon

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