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Re: RC: RE: RE: Wild Horses Debunked!
In a message dated Thu, 7 Dec 2000 1:59:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Michael Sherrell" <grizzlyan@mindspring.com> writes:
<< Things may be different in your neck of the woods, but everywhere I've gone
in California, from Redding to San Diego and Big Sur to Tahoe, the private
cattle lands are fenced and sport "Trespassers will be Prosecuted" signs.
Someone told me once that when she lived in Oregon and Idaho 20 years back
it was understood that as long as you closed the gates behind you you were
welcome in grazing land, and that would be great, but in CA there's the
strong impression purveyed that you risk getting shot if you try that.>>
And rightfully so, if you have not asked permission! Private land is exactly that--private. And if you have trespassed (ie entered without permission), the owner has every right to be angry--just as you might be if you caught a bunch of strangers partying in your back yard. However (and I see many California Ridecampers have confirmed this, so it is apparently NOT just an Oregon and Idaho phenomenon), it is a rare owner of grazing land that will NOT let you ride IF you ask permission AND respect the fact that it IS his private property--and treat it accordingly. When I lived in Oregon, it was not uncommon for private ranchland to have locked gates--but most were locked with combination locks and the owners were willing to give the combinations to those who had permission to ride. And in one case, I was given my own key to the keyed locks on private gates. As other posters have pointed out, if you have permission, then you are not a trespasser. But if you do NOT have per!
mission, then you ARE a trespass
er, and darn well SHOULD be prosecuted! As a land owner myself, I can vouch for the fact that polite people who ask permission are welcome provided they comply with "house rules" but people who don't ask permission may well trigger a call to the County Sheriff...
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