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In a message dated 12/07/2000 12:24:57 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: <<Generally, I have found that if you ask permission before you invade private property (and you ask nicely-rather than thinking that it is an entitlement), people are quite amenable to allowing you to ride on their property >> << I haven't had any problems getting permission from anybody. But it does require that you be polite and accommodating, as well as respecting their requests that you not go to particular places or at particular times...oh yeah...and that you not use it as an excuse to teach your horse about cows, by chasing their cattle. It also helps if you volunteer to help them round up their cattle if they ask, catch their for them bull when it has liberated itself, and communicate with them if you find something amiss while riding on their property (such as a section of fence that is down). You'd be surprised how far this goes to building good-will and how far good will goes to getting permission. >> You are SO right about this. Barbara
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