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Open Trails Conservancy

Anne Louise Daugherty
     The Open Trails Conservancy is a newly-formed organization whose primary mission is to document and protect equine trails.
Our first project is to use cutting-edge technology to document trails and resources and make the information available to anyone who wants to plan a horseback ride in any area.  
We plan to produce a Trails and Resources Guide on CD ROM.  It's a formidable endeavor but even more daunting is making it over the organizational hurdles!!!  Right now we are
in need of members and sponsors to help with the last push, the expenses of applying for our 501 (c) 3 (non-profit) status.  We must make application in the same year we incorporated
and that gives us a deadline of December 31, 2000.  ANY individual, group or business that wants to see equine trails and resources documented electronically, also a valuable method 
of pinpointing endangered trails and areas, please become a member or sponsor.  All memberships come with the opportunity to make a difference!!  Thanks to 
all.  P.O. Box 771357  Steamboat Springs, Colorado  80477.

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