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Re: Re: bitting questions (long)
Louise Bower wrote:
> I have a question about the type of metal in a bit. Is there any
difference between black iron and sweet iron? Also do either/or actually
help to keep the mouth more moist? Also what about a copper bit, does it
really help the horse to salivate? >>
Hi, Louise. I've never heard of black iron, but have used an Augentin (sp?)
KK snaffle, which is commonly called (although I believe it's incorrectly
called) sweet iron.
Sweet iron does help a horse to salivate. So does copper. If you've ever
put a copper penny in your mouth, you'll also salivate. Augentin also
encourages salivation, although I've found it does so to a lesser extent
than sweet iron / copper and when I tasted it (yes, okay, I'm weird), it
didn't have that "bloody" taste of the other two, so I didn't mind using it.
However, my take on all these bits is that they're a bit gimmicky and that,
if you find a bit your horse is comfortable in, and if your hands are good,
he'll salivate anyway. And, as stainless steel is a whole lot cheaper than
copper / sweet iron / augentin, I prefer to have five or six different
stainless steel bits lying around to play with than one or two of the
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