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dry spots

Vicki Wheeler
I know that dry spots indicate an ill fittng saddle, but I need suggestions.  I'm conditioning a friend's horse while 
mine is waiting for his endurance training to begin next year.  Obviously, I don't want to buy a new saddle for a 
horse that isn't mine, but I also don't want to hurt this guy's back.  Mazon is grey so no way to see white hairs & he 
has shown no soreness at all.  

FWIW My saddle is an OF endurance cutback & appears to fit my horse well, so I don't want to go on a new saddle 
search unless it is going to be a problem for my guy.

Please respond privately since I only get a chance to check the archives once or twice a week.

Vicki Wheeler
Knoxville, TN

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