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Re: Question re: equine retirement

Good questions, Amanda!

>If your horse became unredeable but was pasture-sound and not in pain,
would you pay to baord it at a retirement farm?<

Because my horses are at home, this would probably not be an issue, as they
would just stay on with me before moving to the Summerland.  However, if I
for some reason moved back to the 'burbs, then, yes, I would pay to board at
a retirement farm.  Even if it meant I couldn't afford a riding horse.

>If so, how much would you be willing to pay?  What level of care would you
expect (stall baord vs run-in shed, blanketing etc.<

I would expect tip-top care, the same as if he were a competition horse,
because that is what he is used to, what I've always provided, and what he
would expect.  I would be willing to pay for this.

>Wuld you be willing to ship your horse out-of-state to an affordable
retirement farm?>

No.  I would still want to see him every day, because, rideable or not, I
would still want to take him for walks in hand, play with him, cuddle him,
tell him my secrets, etc, etc, etc.

>I just wonder if there is a market out there for affordable retirement

There is a wonderful facility out here (I have been told) which started off
for retired racehoreses, but will take in other retired horses.  It is
expensive, but it is marketed at those either for whom money is no object,
or who will pay because they don't want to consider the alternative.

I would not consider letting my horse go to someone as a companion horse.
Not even to my best friend.


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