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RC: gelpads

kimberly Price KMPRICE51@HOTMAIL.COM
I use a Blue Wolf gel pad over the tolkat all wool pad.  It is not like the pads you get from State Line or absorbs the heat and dissipates it.  Bad news; Linda Flemmer is no longer in business and I got the last medium sized pad. But she has a few 'larger' ones available 'if' her husband will let them go!  She is on this list......

My saddle also fits well but he gets sore at 30+ miles without the gel pad.  Part of the fix is the gel pad, better riding by me by getting centered riding lessons, better lifting by him by giving him dressage lessons.  The gel pad is definately a life saver for me after 3 years of saddle fitting.  If this saddle doesn't fit...none will.  It is a Caspian JRD endurance /dressage saddle.  Mystery does not have an 'even' back, hence part of the problem.  It 'will' do a much better job then foam pads.

When you press on it, there is still gel underneath, it doesn't spread out and go away.  Thats the other big difference between the Blue Wolf pad and the 'other' pads.  I wonder if Linda could connect us with her previous supplier? (if you are reading this....)

We got heat bumps a few years ago (no white sores thank goodness) at a 35 because I neglected to take the saddle off during the break.  No gel pad was used, just cotton.  Learned an important lesson, take off that tack at your hour holds....

Good luck!
Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab)
Fairfax, CA

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