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Re: RC: DSS and the COSTS
I am with you on this one, Roger. As a fellow
vendor, I have tried to explain to both Randy and
Kevin Waters that their "Sponsorship" program has
to give something in return. Any reasonably smart
business person KNOWS how to find the best
advertising for their dollar. In comparison to
Equus and Western Horseman, EN is cheap, BUT, look
at the circulation!! EN is SO small in comparison
and I am getting MUCH LESS exposure in EN than
either of the above AND to mostly the same people.
On top of that, AERC does nothing to promote
itself OUTSIDE AERC. I get plenty of inquiries
from my ad in Western Horseman and Equus about
endurance riding, not just equipment. These
people want ME to tell them "all about"
endurance. Where are the AERC ads in these
magazines? A SMALL classified in Equus of Western
Horseman would pay for itself in at least EN
subscriptions if not additional memberships. THEN
maybe the EN advertisers would be getting
something for their money.
Most of the smaller ads in EN are for small
companies who are struggling to stay alive. It is
hard to do if ad costs are high in comparison to
circulation. Many ads are paid for my vendors who
are also members. So, here we are, again asking
our members to pay for it all.
You want sponsors? Why not ask them what they
would like in return? Selling advertising is like
selling anything else. The product has to be
worth the price. If a product does not live up to
expectation, then the sponsors will not continue.
This is more than likely what happened to NSHF.
Get rid of the gloss...or, if you can get away
with it, get the UAE who is paying for that one
full fancy page, to pay for the entire magazine.
They are one of the few than can afford it.
While I am at it, the BOD voted to do away with
AERC Int'l dues for 2002 and the future. Right?
Here is a "special interest" group, a "minority"
that also wants (and desperately needs) news
related to their interests. If EN is "downsizing",
how is this group (as well as others) supposed to
get information? There are 5 Int'l zones, each
with their own news. Is EN going to give each a
page? I doubt it. But frankly, I would rather
see news of our various membership interests than
more glossy ads.
Money IS a problem, for all of us. AERC BOD has
again, IMO, made an unwise decision based on
insufficient information. Most of the BOD are not
vendors or even business people. AERC needs to be
run like a business, so get some sound business
advice (and get it from several sources), THEN
make decisions.
Teddy Lancaster
Does this mean I cannot tell the Emperor he has
no clothes unless I have a Kingdom?
Running Bear Farm, Inc.
1348 Township Road 256
Kitts Hill, Ohio, 45645 USA -
1-800-533-2327, FAX: 740-533-0337
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