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Re: Apples/Carrots

I don't know their nutritional value but I feed carrots during the ride as
well as at the checks.  I carry baggies with cut up carrots and feed while
I'm off going down hill or whatever.  Will also feed at water stops or
before if possible.  Just another way to keep something going in.  I'll
carry an apple as well but usually rely on carrots on the trail. I usually
carry a baggie of grain for the same reason and have been know to grap a
half flake of hay to feed as we walk out of the check.  My horses all know
how to snake that head around to get the goodies!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Claudia Provin" <>
To: "ridecamp" <>
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 7:35 PM
Subject: RC: Apples/Carrots

> I have always thought of apples and carrots as "treats" and assumed
> endurance riders added them to mixtures to get the horse to eat it better.
> I'm thinking now I am wrong and they may have some real nutritional value
> for horses---can someone enlighten me on their relative value, and when
> would be put to the best use?   Claudia
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