I asked Barney for his tentative schedule for the coming year. If
anybody wants to have their horse tested at Silver State, get in contact
with him. endurancevet@zianet.com Cost: 3 days
$230. Pre ride screen $20.
**** The Pride Project
Tentative and incomplete Schedule
Silver State 11/24
Around The Mountain 12/1 3/00
Warner Hot Springs 1/6/01
El Paso to Las Cruces 1/20-21/01
Cow Tanks 2/16-18/01
Old Pueblo 3/10/01
Renegade 3/ 19-23 /01
Gamblers Special 3/ 31 4/1 /01
Indian Springs 4/7/01
Desert Sky Riders
Mt Charleston 5/ 12-13 /01
Tall Pines
XP 2001 June and July
Raton 7/20 - 22
Crazy Horse Challenge 8/10 12 /01
Desert Sky Riders
Cuneo Creek 9/9 &
Scorpion Sting 9/22/01
Manzanita 9/30/01
North Rim 10/14 16/01