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Re: RC: Flaxseed and oil, Carboload
At 08:17 AM 11/21/2000 +0200, you wrote:
>I have been reading quite a bit on the archives on carboload, some users of
>this product do advice using a glycometer? in conjunction with the
>carboload, excuse my absolute ignorance but nowhere can I find the figures
>you should look for on the meter when testing, what is high, what is low,
>what is bad, what is good, what is ideal, how often should you measure the
>blood level?
http://members.nbci.com/ridephotos/prideproject/weaver.html These are
results from one day of testing on one of my horses, last April. These
results are from the on-site testing thru the Pride Project that Dr.
Fleming does. This was without any carbo-charge.
Normal rates can vary quite a bit depending upon if you are doing on-site
testing, lab-testing, and by individual horse. Typically my horses are in
the 80-90ish range, tho that can vary considerably. The goal is to keep
them constant. I can keep Weaver's glucose levels constant without any
carbo charge. Rocky takes a little more tweaking, but the end result is
worth it :+). I haven't put any of Rocky's results up yet. I've got test
results on him from 5 days, 4 days, 3 days, and 2-day rides in the last
year. I think he's probably one of the most poked endurance horses
ever! (but he's happy to donate!) :+D
Happy Trails,
in NV
& Rocky, 3,230 miles
& Weaver, 3,415 miles
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