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Re: Re: electric fencing
In the past 20 years, I have done a lot of trailriding and I have seen horse
contained and tied up many different ways. And in my experience I have seen
more horses hurt by being tied up then any other method. I have seen a lot
of electric corrals and I have yet to see a horse hurt by this method.
I am not saying that it can not happen, just that I have yet to see it.
Lynette Helgeson
in ND, were I think that come spring the rest of the nation is going to have
to dig out the whole state of ND if it does not quit snowing!!!!
> There have been quite a few accidents in ridecamps involving electric
> fencing, one I remember from years ago, several horses ran through their
> electric corral and ran through camp destroying other setups and causing a
> stampede. The stampede contiued out into the forest and several horses
> killed (on a cliff ). Every time I go to Tevis there is someone who
> late , puts up some of that tape, then puts four horses into their
> and then we all proceed to catch loose horses all night. JMHO but,
> fencing at rides and public situations is an accident waiting to happen.
> cheaper solution is not always the best.
> Dru
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