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Fw: Horse Husband's Lament
- To: <Webmaster@horse-guide.com>, "Valerie Kanavy" <vkanavy@rica.net>, "ustztt" <ustztt@email.msn.com>, "Trish Kaweck" <tkaweck@hotmail.com>, "Tonia Rasnake" <Tonia.Rasnake@UCHSC.edu>, "Tamara Wallington" <tamara@bewellnet.com>, <SWARHOE@aol.com>, "Susie Schomberg" <sschom@platte1.platte1.k12wy.us>, "Susan Foley" <saratoga_susie@hotmail.com>, "Susan Evans Garlinghouse" <suendavid@worldnet.att.net>, "Sue Romero" <hawkwood@bacavalley.com>, "Steve Rutter" <rutter@dakotacomm.net>, "Steph Teeter" <step@fsr.com>, "Spencer, Kim" <Kim.Spencer@njc.cccoes.edu>, "Sharon Wagner" <hollyb@webtv.net>, "SaRaH Kaweck" <sarah_k530@yahoo.com>, "Sandy Skinner" <sandys@zianet.com>, "Sandy Erskine" <Sanerskie@aol.com>, "Sandy Dorr" <ARATACK@aol.com>, "Sandy Alleckson" <talleckson@iolusa.com>, "Ronn Holm" <holmappr@ecentral.com>, "Roger Blalock" <carmen@hiwaay.net>, "Robert W. Atherton" <Atherton@uwyo.edu>, "Rita Schlim" <rschlim@juno.com>, "Rita Affleck" <Ritaandash@aol.com>, "ride camp" <ridecamp@endurance.net>, "Rich Childs" <WTarabappy@aol.com>, "Randy H Eiland" <renegade12@juno.com>, <ppoff@hsonline.net>, "Phillip Cantu" <phillipcantu2001@yahoo.com>, "Penny Skoglund" <Penny.Skoglund@njc.cccoes.edu>, "Patti Bailey" <phase2@foothill.net>, "Patricia Henslee" <henslee@triax.com>, "Pat Merkle" <MKOnyxArab@aol.com>, "Pat Leland" <PLeland@aol.com>, "Pamela Masi" <pamelamasi@yahoo.com>, <Novahpr@aol.com>, "Nat & Richard" <trailride@foothill.net>, "Nancy Loving" <nsloving@ix.netcom.com>, "Myra Rooney" <rooneyx2@yahoo.com>, "Murray Junior High" <murray.middle.school@ridgecrest.ca.us>, <muggles@eazy.net>, "Michele Jay" <jaym@lamar.colostate.edu>, "Michael Troxler" <mtgdgrafxboy@pcisys.net>, "Melanie Chumley" <imagechum@aol.com>, <matthewnelson@avaya.com>, "MARY ELLEN SHOEMAKER" <bearshoe@citrus.infi.net>, "Marsha Barney" <marsha.barney@phs.com>, "Marjorie Cannon" <boomx2@earthlink.net>, "Marciniak, Michele" <Marciniak.Michele@mayo.edu>, "Lynne" <Lynarab@aol.com>, "Lynn Oslick" <Blufethr23@aol.com>, "Lynn Fossey" <lfossey@email.msn.com>, "Lynn Cudlip Mark Daily" <lyncdl@rmii.com>, "Lovell" <LOVELLBAGS@aol.com>, "lori_hammond" <lori_hammond@email.msn.com>, "Lisa Cochran" <lcochran@kc.net>, "Lisa Ashbach" <samaia@earthlink.net>, "Linda Voigt" <emu4@mss1.uswest.net>, "Linda VanCeylon" <LVanCeylon@vines.colostate.edu>, "Linda Fisher" <kenlyn@idcomm.com>, "linda everett" <lindaeverett@email.com>, "Lauren Stocchetti" <stocchel@mail.nwc.whecn.edu>, <larryandbonnie@juno.com>, "Larry Kissel" <lkkissel@juno.com>, "Kris Hazelbaker" <shajarah@cybrquest.com>, <Kizelli@aol.com>, "Kerri Traynor" <TraynoKL@co.larimer.co.us>, "Katie Backer" <infynitie@hotmail.com>, "Kathy Klein" <FindaKlein@aol.com>, "Kara Nunes" <knunes@tribune.com>, "Juliette Dace" <dace@ihs.com>, "Juliette Dace" <jcd@idcomm.com>, "Judy Eacker" <JLEACKER@aol.com>, <JROYREALTY@aol.com>, "Joy Benninghoven" <joynetarab@aol.com>, "Joy B" <joynetara@oz-online.net>, "Joe Long" <jlong@mti.net>, "Jim and Peggy Thompson" <thompsj@ortonville.k12.mn.us>, "Jill Hughes" <jhughes@scitor.com>, "Jennifer (Pam Low)" <Oops7@aol.com>, "Javier Villanueva" <javaman@oneimage.com>, "Janet E. 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- Subject: Fw: Horse Husband's Lament
- From: "Linda Fisher" <kenlyn@idcomm.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 17:30:02 -0700
- Organization: Kenlyn Arabians
After many months of computer, phone and illiteracy about computer problems,
I hope everything is back in order and that I can be online and talk to all
my friends again. Don't give up on me! Thought you'd all enjoy this funny
column. I was about to go crazy not being able to "chat" with everyone, so
email me and give me a "fix" to my habit that was almost broken. Linda
----- Original Message -----
From: Joy B <joynetara@oz-online.net>
To: Kathleen VonDeLinde <kathyv@pinenet.com>; Kathryn V
<lacendiamonds@kscable.com>; Sandy Dorr <ARATACK@aol.com>; Linda Fisher
<kenlyn@idcomm.com>; Lois Roberts <scalois@zianet.com>;
<bakHOELADY@aol.com>; <Jdpearsall@aol.com>; Marsha Hartung
<marshah@informatics.net>; Betty & Gene Leonard <LeonardE@turbonet.com>;
Betty <xamier@earthlink.net>
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2000 2:20 PM
Subject: Fw: Horse Husband's Lament
> This is too too funny... like AHW's Woolridge was it on "IBN"... cartoons
> column?
> Horse Husband's Lament
> My wife she has an Arabian Horse, with flowing mane & tail.
> She thinks he is the finest thing that ever jogged a rail.
> She calls him Ibn and if the truth I tell,
> That fancy pampered Arabian Horse has made my life pure hell!
> My wife she used to cook for me and serve it with champagne.
> But now she'd rather fee that horse and fix him special grain!
> She rides him every morning, and grooms him half the night.
> And the last time that she kissed ME, was just to be polite!
> He dresses better than I do, with matching wraps and ties.
> My wardrobe's so neglected now, that I attract the flies!
> One day my wife was shopping, she was way down at the mall.
> And fancy, pampered Ibn was just a standing in his stall.
> He looked so smug and sassy, that I began to grin.
> I'd saddle that fat sucker up, and take him for a spin!!
> I've wondered since if the cues I gave, he may have misconstrued.
> Cause when I climbed aboard that horse, he rightly came UNGLUED !!!!
> He bucked and spun, and snorted fire, then threw me through a fence!
> I saw big stars and there are 6 teeth, that I ain't heard from since!
> My wife came home and saw me, just a lying in the dirt.
> She rushed up to her horse and asked him, "Sweetheart are you hurt?"
> He'd scratched his nose a little bit, and the memory galls me yet .....
> She left me lying in the mud, and ran to call the VET!!!
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