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Re: RC: Nominations Statements for DAL
Well what do you expect from someone from Florida but to screw up the
I sure hope Steph don't spank me for that comment.
Joane Pappas White wrote:
> Hi All,
> Last night I poured over the nomination statements very carefully to
> determine issues of significance to us. When, at last, I reached for
> our family ballots, I realized I had not read Truman's statement. I
> actually counted all the names on the ballot and then compared back to
> the statements to see if others were omitted. They were not. I figured
> it was an oversight but since we were voting for Truman anyway (thanks
> to Endurance Net's exchange of information) our ballots were mailed back
> this morning.
> After seeing Randy's post tonight, it does seem fair to start over.
> The Statements were all very informative and enlightening and I'm sure
> Truman's was as well.
> Joane and the Herd
> Price, Utah
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