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Re: RC: interference boots
In a message dated 11/10/00 8:58:08 AM Pacific Standard Time,
bgloverhrsewmn@hotmail.com writes:
<< Are you guys talking about bells or splints? >>
Hi Beth,
I'm talking about splints, which are different from the Sports Medicine
boots. The front splints go from the "ankle" joint to just below the knee,
and the back ones cover the "ankle" only. I also use the ones with velcro
only and not the metal rings to slip the velcro through. Don't know what
distances you ride, but I do 75 and 100's. I was told the rings can start
chaffing after a while. I keep the boots on through the whole ride, rinsing
them as well as the horses legs at every vet hold to keep mud and dirt from
building up. My horse has had no trouble with chaffing, but I have seen other
riders prevent it by sprinkling baby powder inside the boots. My front boots
have lasted for four seasons and over 1000 miles, and my rear ones about half
that, but Char, my horse, really, interferes with her hind legs, too. Hope
that helps!
:-) Karma
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