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Super Fuel-Rider

Hi, you remember back where I was at the national championship  I spoke
of a product that I was using for  increasing my  energy level while on
trail and providing a little carbo supplement, the product is called

Well I found the source.  I hope to have the product in stock within the
month.  I have different blends and flavors plus two different versions
of the product, one called Revenge Sport which comes in lime and orange.
It is a high-energy   Electrolyte supplement  sort of  a light version. 
Revenge - consisting of higher levels of carbo supplement plus it
appears to have an additive to help with the management of Lactic acid,
it comes in mango and orange.  Retail price of either one of these items
will be nineteen dollars plus shipping.
Expect to have a limited quantity of these products at the AERC

Excuse the commercial, however I thought many of the riders may want to
obtain some of this product that has done quite well for me at the

Remember, I mixed 2 ounces of this product with 16 ounces of water, in
addition I add at least 1 ounce of  carbo supplementation, from GNC,
called Carbo Fuel. Plus some DMG and MSM.

These products are from Champion Nutrition. They also have an endurance
carbohydrate supplement that I will be testing next year.

The Electrolyte supplement I was using  is called ERG, Gookinaide,   it
is available from other sources including Australian Connection and

Roger R

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