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messes left at ridecamps and horse camps
Hi everyone:
I have been following this thread with
interest. I am a member of Back Country Horseman of British Columbia, and
also a member of Endurance Riders of British Columbia, and I have noticed major
differences in attitude between these two groups.
BCH encourages 'Leave No Trace' philosphy which not
only benefits the areas being used, but also serves as an example to others
using the area. BCH members are generally in smaller groups, which I
believe encourages personal responsibility.
When people are at Endurance rides, there sometimes
seems to be less concern with how the camp is left. The interesting thing
is, that the more remote the camp, the more people seem to take a 'it doesn't
matter if we leave piles of hay and manure'. Even if it is permitted to
leave this kind of waste behind, it should be spread out to help it disappear
IMO, sometimes people leave manure and stuff out of
simple ignorance, not by intent.
As a side note, as a result of BCH's Leave No Trace
philosophy along with the reputation of our many hard-working and conscientious
members, BCH has been honoured with stewardship of the two government controlled
horse camps in our province.
Does AERC endorse any programs such as Leave No
Trace or any other similar programs? Perhaps this could be part of Rider
Look forward to hearing from you all.
Sarah McIntosh & Saffire
Abbotsford, BC
ERABC & BCHBC member
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