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nipping babies:

Hi Pat Gifford here!
Before John Lyons became the guru of  horse training I read an article in
This article talked about horse psychology and in particular nipping (not
biting )
Horse babies like to play! They like tactile things to play with hence
coat or watch etc. They do teeth on objects while learning about them.
This article talked about  the fact that you should not hit a baby as
this then becomes
a game of tag. They love that game and do play it in the pasture with
other babies
if given a chance.
The article recommended that you tie the baby up really close to the tie
post and just
continue grooming . In other words ignore them. They have a really short
attention span
at this time in their life and will quickly get bored or tired of trying
to get you. It is no fun
when no one plays back.
I have used this method every time I have had a colt and it is 100%
I did not do this method on my first baby and he did continue to play tag
(or nip) with
In other words there are more ways to skin that darned cat!
Pat     Razzel and Casper in Kansas

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